
Campaigns + Causes

2012-2016.  Over the past several years, I have worked on several social and environmental justice campaigns and cases. Here are a few of them.

Campaigns + Causes

Since 2012, I have worked on several social and environmental justice campaigns and causes.  Here are three of them.

International indigenous leaders stage an action paddling canoes to NYC's UN building, where 2016 climate talks were taking place without their inclusion.

Global Canoe

Roles: photographer, videographer, social media strategist
Project leader: Advice Project Media
Campaign: Indigenous rights and inclusion in UN climate talks

As part of this raising the minimum wage campaign, social media images portraying fast food workers alongside their own words and actual NYC living wages acted as storytelling snapshots to help gather momentum towards action.

Raise up NY!

Roles: photographer, outreach
Design strategy + art direction: Ange Tran
Campaign: Raise NY's minimum wage
Partners: members of United NY, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Make the Road NY, New York Communities for Change

Environmental justice activists show a display of solidarity with the #IdleNoMore movement after a 2012 Tar Sands Blockade stand-off with local police, whose spotlights on the tree-sit can be seen behind the group.

Tar sands blockade

Roles: photographer, videographer, social media strategist, outreach
Project leader: Tar Sands Blockade
Campaign: Stop construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline


Global canoe media release (2016)
Role: assistant Video


Tar Sands Blockade diboll action media release (2012)
Role: Lead video